A series of 8 questions with singer, Ty Koch
What place were you born and where do you live now?
What is your favourite era/genre of music to perform?
Who are your musical influences and what do you love about their music?
TK Jeff Buckley, Chris Cornell, Chris Stapleton and Gary Clark Jr. For Buckley, Cornell and Stapleton their voices and songwriting, for Clark Jr. his guitar playing and style.
Your favourite food (only one!)
TK Spaghetti.
Your most memorable performance? Where were you and who were you performing with and why was it memorable?
TK Performing the Canadian national anthem on Parliament Hill as part of the Canada Day Celebrations in 2014. It was memorable because I got to perform with all of my friends and have dinner at Parliament Hill after.
Something unique or unusual about you.
TK When I’m not singing, I’m either lifeguarding or teaching swimming.
How long have you been a performer?
What are you most looking forward to about performing with VIS this year?
TK Just hearing the actual sound of the orchestra, I’ve never got to perform this kind of music with that many musicians.